The joint Russian-United States resolution, adopted by the majority of the Security Council members with only Libya abstaining, emphasizes the importance of mutual recognition, freedom from violence, incitement, and terror, as well as the two-state solution for achieving lasting peace in the Middle East. It calls on all states and international organizations to support the Palestinian government committed to Quartet principles and the Arab Peace Initiative. The resolution urges an intensification of diplomatic efforts to promote mutual recognition and peaceful coexistence in the region, alongside progress in the bilateral peace process. Additionally, it calls for assistance in developing the Palestinian economy and institution-building program in preparation for statehood. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon emphasized the need to see the peace process through to its conclusion, while the Quartet partners called for intensified negotiations between both sides. Meanwhile, limitations on the movement of goods into Gaza were reported due to rocket firing incidents, with limited fuel supplied to the Gaza power plant to mitigate power cuts.