
A devastating fire engulfed the bustling Iqbal Market situated on the main M.A. Jinnah Road near Jama Cloth Market in Karachi on Tuesday. According to authorities from the police, fire brigade, and rescue services, the inferno ravaged three shops entirely and partially damaged four others. Fortunately, no casualties were reported, and prompt evacuation measures were...
Every year on October 10th, people all around the world observe Mental Health Day. It’s a day dedicated to understanding and supporting those who have experienced mental health challenges. This special day is recognized by the International Commission on Human Rights to promote awareness and break the stigma surrounding mental health. One important message of...
Introduction: As all of you know Global Food Day is an extraordinary event that brings individuals all over the planet together to commend the different and delectable cooking styles that make up our worldwide food culture. It’s daily to embrace the flavors, fragrances, and stories behind the dishes we appreciate from various corners of the...
United Nations Day: Celebrating Global Cooperation Today, on October 24th, we celebrate United Nations Day. This is a day to remember the founding of the United Nations in 1945 and to celebrate its work to promote peace, justice, and human rights around the world. The UN is a unique organization. It is the only global...
Introduction On the 29th of October, the world consistently meets up to praise the International Day of Care and Support. This day fills in as a strong sign of the fundamental human characteristics of sympathy, thoughtfulness, and compassion. It is the Occasion to consider the significance of focusing on each other, inside our networks and...
Introduction The freedom of the press is the foundation of a majority rule system and a fundamental mainstay of straightforwardness, responsibility, and the dissemination of knowledge. Journalists are the courageous voices who present to us the narratives that matter, frequently at incredible individual risk. On November 2, consistently, we mark the International Day to End...
Introduction Allama Iqbal, also known as Sir Muhammad Iqbal, was a visionary poet, philosopher, and politician who played a pivotal role in the creation of Pakistan. His poetry and philosophical ideas continue to inspire people around the world. Early Life and Education: Born on November 9, 1877, in Sialkot, British India (now Pakistan), Allama Iqbal...
Introduction Childhood should be a time of innocence, joy, and discovery, but unfortunately, millions of children around the world are at serious risk of sexual abuse and violence. As we celebrate the World Day for Prevention and Recovery from Child Sexual Exploitation and Violence, it is vital to shine a light on this issue, raise...
Introduction International Children’s Day, celebrated every year on 20th November, is a clear reminder of our shared responsibility to nurture and protect the world and our most precious asset – children. This day holds significant importance because it commemorates the Convention on the Rights of the Child, an important international treaty that recognizes the inherent human...
Introduction Every year on November 25th, the world comes collectively to have a look at the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. This day serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive trouble of gender-based violence that influences tens of thousands and thousands of ladies globally. It is an afternoon to mirror...
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