Every year on October 10th, people all around the world observe Mental Health Day. It’s a day dedicated to understanding and supporting those who have experienced mental health challenges. This special day is recognized by the International Commission on Human Rights to promote awareness and break the stigma surrounding mental health.

One important message of Mental Health Day is the acceptance of people who have faced mental health issues as valuable members of society. Just like anyone else, they have unique talents, dreams, and the potential to contribute positively to our communities. It’s crucial to remember that mental health challenges do not define a person, and everyone deserves respect and understanding.

In Pakistan, as in many other places, there is still a long way to go in terms of mental health awareness and acceptance. However, there are several steps that Pakistani society can take to improve mental health:

Education: Schools and colleges can include mental health education in their curriculum. This will help students understand the importance of mental health and reduce the stigma associated with it.

Community Support: Encourage the formation of support groups where people can share their experiences and offer support to one another. This can be especially helpful for individuals who may feel isolated.

Accessible Services: Increase the availability of mental health services and make them more affordable. Many people suffer silently because they cannot afford treatment.

Talk about It: Encourage open conversations about mental health within families and communities. When people feel comfortable discussing their struggles, they are more likely to seek help when needed.

Promote Self-Care: Teach individuals the importance of self-care and stress management. Simple practices like meditation, exercise, and spending time in nature can greatly benefit mental health.

Employer Support: Companies can implement mental health programs in the workplace to support their employees. This can include access to counseling services and promoting a healthy work-life balance.

Media Responsibility: The media can play a vital role in shaping public opinion. Encourage responsible reporting on mental health issues and challenge harmful stereotypes.

Remember, mental health affects us all, directly or indirectly. By working together to create a more understanding and supportive society, we can ensure that everyone, regardless of their mental health journey, is given the chance to thrive and contribute to the best of their abilities. Mental Health Day serves as a reminder that acceptance and support are essential steps toward building a healthier, happier world for all.

The writer is a seasoned researcher and a criminologist currently working as a Senior Project Manager at the International Commission on Human Rights (ICOHR), a Human Rights NGO in Pakistan.

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