Urgent Call to Phase Out Highly Hazardous Pesticides for Human Rights Protection

The Special Rapporteurs on human rights and hazardous substances and waste, Baskut Tuncak, and on the right to food, Hilal Elver, are urging collective action to phase out highly hazardous pesticides. They emphasize the severe impacts on workers, children, and others at risk, stressing the urgent need for states to take immediate action. This call coincides with the fourth meeting of the International Conference on Chemicals Management in Geneva, where they highlight the lack of coordinated global action since the 2002 Earth Summit. Despite safer alternatives being available, many developing countries still import highly hazardous pesticides, posing significant risks to human health and the environment. The criteria set by FAO and WHO identify pesticides with high acute toxicity, chronic toxic effects, and persistence in the environment or organisms. Urgent action is needed to shift towards more sustainable food production systems that protect human rights and reduce harm.

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